COVID Vaccine Finder – for Grand Rapids area

Testing criteria for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been expanded in Michigan to include individuals with mild symptoms and essential workers still reporting to work in person, whether they have symptoms or not.
Please call the testing site or your health care provider before you go for testing. Click Here for Michigan Testing Finder

Wash Your Hands

The best advice to keep from being infected is keep your hands clean, and keep your distance from sick people. If you are sick do not go to school or work. If you are over 60 and/or have underlying health conditions limit contact with the outside world. If your work offers telecommuting definitely take that.

How to Wash Your Hands Correctly

Avoid touching your face (especially mouth, nose, and eyes) when going out.

Where can I find info on infections and preparedness?

Michigan Department of Health is a great resource for timely information.

What if I need to get tested for the Coronavirus?

Drive Through Testing Now Available – by appointment only

Testing is now free for those on Medicare, Michigan Medicaid and all private insurers as of March 12, 2020 (see article) (earlier article Medicaid covered, private insurers waiving fees).

Spectrum Health is offering free telescreenings (source WOODTV).

Anyone in Michigan who has symptoms can call the Spectrum Health COVID-19 hotline at 616.391.2380 to schedule a screening and get instructions on how to download the Spectrum Health Now app.


The Rapidian – Good Grand Rapids coverage

MLive Grand Rapids – best source of local news

March 12, 2020: CDC warns those over 60: ‘stock up’ and stay home as coronavirus spreads – Doctors at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are encouraging people who are 60 and older – or have underlying health conditions such as heart or lung disease or diabetes – to remain home as much as possible for the next several weeks.

March 11, 2020: Symptom Chart comparing Coronavirus, the common cold, and the flu
March 8, 2020: Doctor Fact-Checks Media On Coronavirus

Further Information

Coronavirus, Everything You Need to Know (Fox News)
How to Prepare for Coronavirus (New York Times)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Updates

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North End Community Ministry (NECM)
is located in:
New City Church
214 Spencer NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505