North End Community Ministry (NECM) has a goal to reach $15,000. Your giving will help to provide funding to purchase direly needed food for our client choice food pantries for children, families, senior citizens, and individuals.
- $25 will cover a meal for a family of 2-4
- $50 will cover a meal for a family of 4-6
- $75 will cover a meal for a family of 6-8
- $100 will cover a meal for large families
NECM serves over 750 families a month through its food pantry services. Thousands of people are helped annually, not only through food pantries but also through:
- NE Supper House (hot meal program)
- Educational classes on cooking and nutrition
- Holiday Food Baskets
- NE Pole (Christmas store)
NECM is a community based ministry seeking to improve the quality of life for people in NE Grand Rapids. Click the button below to donate.
We accept the following forms of payment: VISA, MC, AMEX, and Discover. Please note that if you want to direct the money to go to a specific area you can in the Reference ID field