When I think about the ministry of NECM, I am reminded of the story of the feeding of the 5,000. The multitudes followed Jesus everywhere, as He had tremendous compassion and healed the sick. As evening set in, the disciples encouraged Jesus to send the crowds away and go to a quiet place to be restored. Once again, Jesus was moved with compassion on the people that followed and performed a miracle with 5 loaves and 2 fishes to feed over 5,000+ people that day. Hardly enough to feed 5 small boys, let alone the multitude present. It was just like Jesus to perform a miracle and there be plenty to meet the need and even be leftovers, 12 basketfuls to be exact! God is a God of multiplication and plenty!
Daily multitudes walk in through our doors needing ministry. Many times I’ve wondered how will we ever provide for all of ‘these?’ God has proven His faithfulness time after time and one thing I am sure of is, He will provide just as He did in the story of the feeding of the 5,000 and there will even be leftovers! God takes what is given and like the loaves and fishes blesses, multiples and increases provision to meet the arising need in people.
NECM had its humble beginnings over 45 years ago, staring with a ministry to youth and a small food and clothing bank. Today, it has expanded to include a variety of quality programs and services desgined to meet the needs of people, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. We are blessed by many gifts of volunteers, food, resources, financial, and prayerful support. It is a privilege to be in ministry here on the corner of Plainfield and Spencer in New City Church. We are grateful and excited to be in ministry with Jesus Christ! Will you join us?
In Christ’s Love & Service,
Laura L. Castle, Executive Director
North End Community Ministry